NAACP San Antonio Branch Members

Life Members | In Memoriam | Past & Present Presidents | Corporate Sponsors | Contributors | Charter Members


Diamond Life - Individuals

Banks-Reed, Dr. Laura N.
Greene, Maria Stevenson

Diamond Life - Organizations

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. - Alpha Tau Omega Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc - San Antonio Alumnae Chapter

Gold Life - Individuals

Brown, Ann Johnson
Brown, Horace Jr.
Palmore, Victor M.
Thompson, Johnnie Lee Roy

Golden Heritage Life - Individuals

Anderson, Brenda
Anderson, Dr. Howard
Anderson, Dr. Richard D.
Anderson, Veretta
Burris, Clay
Campbell, Earl
Gervin, George
Hadnott, Gwendolyn
Hadnott, Dr. James
Hill, Minnie Mabry
Hill, Oliver W.
Hilliard, Dr. Robert L.
Kelley, Dr. Harmon
Kennedy, Alice Rose
Marshall, Juretta
McGowan, Atty. Clarence R.
Robinson, Carlton E.
Shelf, Angeline D.
Shelf, Howard I.
Smith, James L.
Walker, Rev. L.A.
Woody, Harvey J.
Young, Col. (Ret) Edward D., Jr.
Young, Vertie

Golden Heritage Life - Organizations

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. - Delta Rho Lambda Chapter
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church
Bethel A.M.E Church
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. - San Antonio Alumnae Chapter
Friendship Baptist Church
Greater Corinth Baptist Church
Knight & Ladies of St. Peter Claver Council & Court No. 35
Mount Zion First Baptist Church
New Creation Christian Fellowship
Second Baptist Church
The Links, Incorporated - San Antonio Chapter
West End Baptist Church
Young Men's Progressive Club
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. - Alpha Pi Zeta Chapter
Zeta Amicae of San Antonio Friends of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Silver Life - Individuals

Adkisson, Commissioner Tommy
Alexander-Coleman, Diane
Anderson, Julian
Anderson, Rosaland G.
Aniemeke, Dr. John
Atkins, Delores
Barr, Willie Jane
Bledsoe, Alberta
Bonaparte, Napoleon
Carter, Ann
Carter, Lt. Col. Robert
Cobbs, Mary Jo
Crawford, Dr. Harold B.
Cuellar, Congressman Henry
Cunningham, Dr. J. Brendolyn
Davis, Mike Jr.
Grigsby, Lucille
Hall, Lucy
Horne, Arleya
Hudspeth, Dr. Dollie Elizabeth
Hudspeth, Dr. Gregory
Hunt, Donald Ray
Johnson, William B., Jr.
Jones, Patricia G.
Lott, Dr. Dolores
Macon, Atty. Jane
Maney, Col. (Ret) Edward
Marshall, Lewis M.
Montgomery, Otis
Palmer, Randall III
Payne, Cristi
Penn, Hilda Shivers
Pierce, Aaronetta
Ray, Howard
Scott, Dr. Cecily
Scott, Joseph III
Scott-Warrick, Dr. Cynthia
Seastrunk, Vernice
Shields-Berry, Katherine
Smith, Ira Jr.
Smith, Marvinette
Sowells, Joyce
Spradley, Annie
Sykes, Wanda
Taylor, Councilwoman Ivy R.
Thomas, Mark A.
Williams, Navarra
Wiltshire, Lanita
Wiltshire, Travis
Woodard, Diane
Woodard, Remus
Wright, Judge Eugenia

Silver Life - Organizations

Calvary Baptist Church
National Council of Negro Women - Ruth Jones McClendon Section
San Antonio Coca-Cola Bottling Company
San Antonio Fighting Back
San Antonio Zulu Association


Adams, Williams Jr.
Allen, Murlene
Austin, Helen
Aycock, Evelyn
Barnes, Foster
Batiste, Gertrude
Beatty, Marjorie
Bennett, Dr. Raymond
Bledsoe, Atty. Gary
Blueitt, Odis
Boggs, Claude Sr.
Boggs, Minnie
Bohman, Nancy
Braziel, Melvin
Brown, Ann Johnson
Brown, B.L. Jr.
Brown, Horace Jr.
Brown, Joe Ann
Brown, Joseph
Brown, Louis J.
Burley, Col. (Ret) Roy W.
Burns-Banks, Dr. Dianna
Burns, Ruth
Chandler, Gloria
Cherry, Booker
Christopher, Edna
Collins, Dorothy Lee
Conley, Atty. James
Cook, Michele
Copeland, Bishop David
Cunningham, Lt. Col. Tenonia
Cunningham, Dr. Yvonne Holloway
Davis, Rev. Milbrew
Davis, Shirley
Deckard, Mrs. S.L.
Deen, Rosemary
Dickerson, Eva Maria
Donahue, Williams T.
Douglas, Larry B.
Dukes, Dr. Carl
Duncan, Dr. Walter
Ellison, Doris Horne
Engleton, Renita F.
Eusan, Warren H.
Foster, Harold Sr.
Foster, Leatrice
Foster, Lloyd Sr.
Francis, Sutton C.
Franks, Mae
Friday, Dorothy
Frierson, Hazel
Gaffney, Thomas
Gainer, Ervin
Gardner, Barbara
Gibbs, William C. Sr.
Gilmore, Delores
Graham, Cheryl
Grant, James
Grant, Mozell
Green, Robert D.
Greenfield, Gerald
Harkless, Dr. Lawrence
Harris, George W.
Hartfield, Julia
Hays, Hazel C.
Haywood, Norcell D.
Henderson, Artis Jr.
High-Taylor, Karen
Hill, Minnie Mabry
Hilliard, Dr. George
Hilliard, Mary Lou
Holley, Dr. Janet
Horne-Espree, Maj. (Ret) Regina
Jackson, Clarice
Johnson, August Steve
Johnson, Joanne
Jones, Carolyn Tarver
Jones, Dave Jr.
Jones, Dr. Douglas
Jones, Isaac Sr.
Jones, Karyne D.
Jones, Katie McKinney
Jones, Linda
Jones, Parthenia
Kelley, Dr. Harmon
Kemple, J.
King, Myrtle
Knight, Julia
Lamkin,awrence, Dr. Leonard
Lee, Robert G.
Lewis, Hazelyn
Marcee, Cynthia
Maxey, Iva
McCall, Jo Ann
McCall, Norman A.J.
McClendon, Rep. Ruth Jones
McGowan, Gloria
McGrew, Aquila
McGrew, A. Sarah
McIntosh, Emmer
McIntosh, Trusella
Merritt, Patricia
Mickel, Rev. Peter
Miller, Lloyd
Miller, Mary Lou
Miller, Wendell Lou
Mitchell, Exetta
Mitchell, Frank
Moore, Tommy
Moore, Verlene
Mosby, Sylvia
Mosley, Deloris
Mosley, Randell
Nall, Lt. Col. Mark A.
Nance, Maggie
Norwood, Molly F.
Norwood, William
Oliver, James D. Jr.
Palmore, Robert L.
Pete, Johnny R.
Pete, Thelma
Pierce, Dr. Joseph, Jr.
Pittman, Aree
Pittman, Leroy
Pittman, Sammy
Pope, Virginia
Pope, LTC (Ret) Wallace
Proctor, Edgar
Qadimasil, Ernest Stevenson
Randle, Rita
Reddix, Dr. Mason
Riklin, Arthur
Robinson, Luther C.
Robinson, Margaret J.
Rockeymoore, Hazel
Rockeymoore, Thomas C.
Rosenberg, Atty. Louis
Ross, Delmer
Ross, Marlin
Russell-McCloud, Atty. Patricia
Salas, Mario M.
Samples, Vivian D.
Sewell, Eloise
Shepherd, Alexander Jr.
Sherfield, Mentoria Lewis
Sinkin, William
Smedler, Geraldine
Smith, Clara B.
Smith, M.Sgt. Clayton Jr.
Smith, Walter L.
Stahl, Rabbi Samuel
Stewart, Deloris
Stewart, Johnnie Jr.
Stribling, Dr. Morris
Taylor, Lytle L.
Teal, Marlene
Thompson, Johnnie Merry
Thurston, Dr. Charles
Thurston, Dr. Marie
Turner, Bobbie
Turner, Maj. (Ret) Jake
Vickers, Tom
Vincent, Ester
Wagner, Rev. John
Washington, Lois C.
Watts-Davis, Beverly
Webb, Rev. Joe
Whaley, Christopher
Whitehead, Mary
Williams, Elmer F.
Williams, Gertie L.
Williams, Janice
Williams, Rev. Napoleon
Williams, Dr. Theodore R.
Winn, Margaret
Wolff, Nelson

Life Members - Organizations

Alamo City Lions Clubs
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. - Pi Theta Lambda Chapter
Bowden Chapter of Business & Professional Women
C.A. Whittier Medical AuxiliaryBurnet Drug Store
Chi Eta Phi Sorority - Theta Eta Chapter
Citywide Baptist Brotherhood Union
Coliseum Baptist Church
Crain Distribution Company
Doubleday Broadcasting
Dukes and Duchesses Social Club
Entre Nous Social Club
Frost Brothers, Inc.
Hook & Line Fishing Club
Inner Action Organization
Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. - Gamma Phi Chapter
Jack & Jill of America - San Antonio Chapter
Jewish Federation of San Antonio
J.T. Maxey Lodge No. 74 - F & AM Prince Hall Affiliate
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. - San Antonio Alumni Chapter
Moussa Temple, #106 - AEAONMS, Prince Hall Affiliate
National Alliance of Postal & Federal Employees
National Coalition of 100 Black Women - San Antonio Chapter
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. - Psi Alpha Chapter
National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa - Gamma Tau Chapter
Phillis Wheatley High School - Class of 1935 Club
Phillis Wheatley High School - Class of 1936 Club
Progressive Women's Club
Shiloh Baptist Church
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. - Alpha Pi Sigma Chapter
Southwest Texas Conference Lay Organization
Sunset Hunting & Fishing Club
Sutton and Sutton Mortuary
St. John Baptist Church
St. Paul United Methodist Church
Texas Bank (Camino Real Bank)
The Government Girls Club
The Ladies of Charissa Civic Club
Tucker's Kozy Korner
Top Ladies of Distinction - San Antonio Met Chapter
United Home Owners Improvement Association
Walker Ford Gospel Singers
Young Men's Progressive Club Ladies' Auxiliary



In Memoriam


Minor, Ethel M.
Stevenson, Henrietta Roberts

Gold Life

Brown, Robbie P.
Brown, B. Dubois
Kennedy, Calvin R. Sr.
Gilford, Marye B.
Odom, Dr. Elmwood
Poling, Carlton F.
Polk, Sam Jr.
Roberts, P.F.
Smith, Dr. Joshua
Stain, Dr. Stanley
Stevenson, Prof. Ernest
Tejeda, Atty. Frank
Van Dorn, Major (Ret.) Juanita

Silver Life

Appel, Henry
Aycock, Joe
Aycock, Ophelia B.
Banks, Jack L.
Beasley-Brown, Van Dalia
Beatty, LTC (Ret) Thomas
Becker, Charles
Black, Rev. Claude W., Jr.
Bland, Bernice
Bohman, Waddell E.
Briscoe, Atty. Hattie
Briscoe, William
Bryant, Eunice
Bryant, Dr. Frank C., Jr.
Burns, Harry V.
Burns, Walter
Butler, Velma
Combs, Bessie
Craynie, Wilhelmina
Daniels, Robert
Davis, Erma
Davis, Major B.
Davis. Mrs. S.J.
Deckard, S.L.
Derborne, Elizabeth
Dymond, Paul B.
Edwards, Veola
Ervin, Howard
Evans, T. Bernice
Floyd, Allie B.
Floyd, Clifton O., Sr.
Foxx, Artie Lee Moss
Foxx, Ernest
Franks, Mae Z.
Friday, Elliot M.
Gibbs, Ethelle F.
Gilford, Murrene
Gilmore, Annie H.
Gipson, Mildred O.
Grant, J. B.
Hadnot, Dr. W. H.
Harris, C. T.
Harris, Shirley
Hartfield, David
Hervey, Portia D.
Hodge, Monroe
Hudgins, Vernis
Hudgins, Williams A., Sr.
Hudspeth, Charles A., Jr.
Hudspeth, Louise
Jackson, William
Jacobson, Dr. David
James, Rev. Hamice R., Jr.
Jacobson, Helen G.
Johnson, Florence
Johnson, Herbert B.
Knight, Levi M.
Kothmann, Glenn
Lewis, Dr. Earl M.
Little, Louis
Linthicum, Carra
Linthicum, Finise
Luter, Joseph
Madla, Senator Frank
Marcee, Rev. Emerson
McClure, Rev. Vernon
McCullough, Ruby
McDaniels, Doyle L.
McDaniels, Mattie
McKinney, Clarice O.
Melonson, Allen F.
Mendelsohn, Atty. Les
Miles, Ed
Miller, Vercile
Mosby, John D.
Murphy, Dr. John B.
Nicholson, Dorothy
Oliver, Edwina
Parramore, Robert L.
Pickett, Dorothy
Polk, Vanilla J.
Pulliams, Charles
Rainey, Zella J.
Reeves, Blair
Revado, Anna
Roberts, Ira Aldridge
Samples, Atty. Benjamin N.
Samples, Bessie L.
Samples, Browning M.
Scott, Doris C.
Scott, Dr. S. T.
Shaw, J. R.
Sisk, Reginald
Shafer, Esther
Slaughter, John Etta
Slaughter, Murray
Smedler, William D.
Smith, Dr. Melvin D.
Sowells, J. Guy
Stain, Mae Ola
Stevenson, Jesse P.
Stevenson, Lillie Bailey
Sutton, Rep. Lou Nelle
Sutton, Rev. A.C.
Sutton-Taylor, Lillian
Taylor, Dorothy D.
Teal, Earley B.
Telfair, Joseph E.
Turner, Edna M.
Vincent, Ester
Walls, Atty. Homer B.
Warren, Nellie
Washington, Robert Jr.
Whittier, Augusta
Williams, Atty. Clarence
Wing, Frank D.
Winn, George III
Yates, Elsworth
Yates, James R.
Young, Beulah



San Antonio Branch NAACP
Past and Present Presidents
1918 - 2014

  1. Mr. J. A. Grumbles
  2. Mr. H. M. Tarver
  3. Dr. J. T. Walton
  4. Mr. J. R. Morris
  5. Mr. R. R. Davenport
  6. Mr. P. F. Roberts
  7. Dr. C. A. Whittier
  8. Mr. O. E. Fitzgerald
  9. Mr. John Inman
  10. Mr. O. E. Fitzgerald
  11. Mr. F. S. Sonier
  12. Rev. W. J. Johnson
  13. Mr. H. V. Burns
  14. Mr. Archie H. Johnson, Sr.
  15. Rev. Emerson Marcee
  16. Mr. Joseph V. Luter
  17. Mr. H. V. Burns
  18. Mr. R. L. Dockery
  19. Mr. S. L. Deckard
  20. Rev. Emerson Marcee
  21. Mr. Charles Hudspeth, Jr.
  22. Mr. Oliver W. Hill
  23. Mrs. Ethel Minor
  24. Mr. Thomas Rockeymoore
  25. Mrs. Ethel Minor
  26. Rev. Dr. Howard Anderson
  27. Mr. Lloyd Miller
  28. Mrs. Marvinette Smith
  29. Mr. Oliver Hill



2014 Corporate Sponsors




St. Philip's College

University Health Systems

City of San Antonio Transportation & Capital Improvements


2014 Contributors


Torch Bearer





Charter Members
at initial meeting



Mr. J. A. Grumbles - President
Mrs. Pearl Thompson - Secretary
Mrs. Myra D. Hemmings
Dr. J. T. Walton
Mr. Jess Bumbrey
Mr. Harold Tarver
Mr. Cal Burton
Rev. Lazarus Richardson
Mr. P. F. Roberts
Mr. J. D. Lowery, Sr.
Mrs. Edna Carter
Mr. J. R. Morris, Sr.
Mrs. Hooks